Refund And Cancellation Policy

Should there be any duplicate payments or transactions done by the Members, the additional payment may be adjusted in the next months bill or upon request, in writing, to the Hon.Treasurer, with valid documents, a refund will be executed within 15 banking days, by the Club.

The amount due reflected in the member’s bill is as it is shown and auto generated from the system. However should there be any unforeseen technical issues, typographical errors or product malfunction from our backend services, the amount may vary.

The "Club" will endeavour to be accurate as possible. However, should the member be made aware of any difference in amounts on the Club's Website pre and post payment, the member is requested to contact the Club, within 72 (Seventy Two) hours of having made their payment.

All returns and refunds will be in the same manner as its receipt at the time of payment. For dues settled by Cash or Cheque, the refunds will be made by Cheque.

Should the "Club" come across any such difference in amounts, the Club reserves its rights to rectify the error or cancel the payments.

Cancellation of payments

For monthly bills, once a payment has been made online, members will not be able to cancel it. For refund and other issues, Members are requested to contact the "Club" and all settlements will be governed by the Rules and Bye Laws published by the "Club" and/or amended from time to time.

Club Contact:

Please direct any queries or comments addressed to The Hon.Treasurer, Madras Gymkhana Club, via e mail to


With respect to this policy, neither the Madras Gymkhana Club nor any of its Office Bearers and Committee Members and employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe any rights.